Domenico Dolce is a co-owner and creator of Dolce & Gabbana, a designer and fashion designer from Italy. His origin foreshadowed the young man the future of an ordinary tailor, the owner of a small atelier. But hard work, talent, faith in one's own strength and perseverance made a man the main trendsetter in the world.


Domenico Dolce was born on August 13, 1958 on the largest Italian island of the Mediterranean Sea of ​​Sicily (Sicilia), in the south of the country, near the city of Palermo (Palermo). Head of family Alfonso Dolce managed a small sewing workshop, and his mother worked as a manager in a lingerie store. There was not enough money, the store and the workshop did not bring any special income.

Parents did not spoil Domenico and his brother with his sister with new toys and beautiful clothes, and the mother herself went around the house in her father’s old clothes. So Alfonso decided, and his decisions were not discussed. However, the boy never saw his parents quarrel.

The father constantly took his son to work, so that, according to tradition, he inherited the family craft. At 6, Domenico learned to sew, although his outfits were shreds and dolls were the first models. He tried very hard, achieved significant success, for which he received the nickname Mozart. By the time he finished school, the young man had perfected his sewing skills so much that he could easily stitch his sleeves to his jacket in pitch darkness.

Relatives expected that after school, the son will work with his father in the studio, but Domenico decided to do differently. He studied at the Istituto Marangoni Institute of Milan (School of Design and Fashion) and at the Palermo Art School. Having received a diploma, the young man gets a job as an assistant in a sewing studio.

Fateful acquaintance

Working in the studio, Dolce met with Stefano Gabbana (Stefano Gabbana). The young people had many similar interests: they adored the Baroque era, the classic cinema of Italy of the 60s, both were people with non-traditional sexual orientation.

  • In 1982, both Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana decided to found the joint company Dolce & Gabbana.

  • In 1985, young talents participated in a fashion show of the Milano Collezione collections, where their clothes for women were presented. After a successful event, the brand "Dolce & Gabbana" becomes famous. Viewers are delighted with the freshness of the decisions, and fashion critics speak positively of all the models they presented on the catwalk.
  • In 1988, designers presented the first batch of glamorous clothes, pret-a-porter, which was sewn in the studio of Father Domenico. It was a new style for not perfect women, including corsets, stockings, shirts. Each client of fashion designers, choosing this brand, felt charming and sexy. And the first star fan of fashion designers was actress and model Isabella Rossellini (Isabella Rossellini).
  • In 1990, a new collection was sewn for men. In the models, the designers embodied a successful mixture of Italian classics and frank sexuality. The first male star to favor the Dolce & Gabbana brand was musician Sting.
  • Subsequently, under the famous brand, they began to produce not only clothes, but also perfumes, cosmetics, mobile phones and even cars.

The duet of Dolce and Gabbana never stops in their achievements. They are themselves the main competitors. Domenico considers the one that will only be the best success. Clothing designers is full of optimism, which is transmitted to her fans.

In 2013, colleague Domenico DolceStefano has been included by Forbes magazine in the list of thousands of the richest people on the planet.

Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana. Personal life

Since 1985, partners began to live together, but could not reveal their feelings to the public until 2000. In 2004, lovers broke up, but continue to live in the same house. Each of them began a new relationship.

Stefano, talking about his relationship with Domenico, says that they continue to love each other and remain members of the same family. But this love has undergone changes and has become deeper and more measured. D. Dolce tells reporters that despite the separation, their relationship will continue forever and will also be recognized in mutual love.

Interesting Facts

  • In 2009, fashion designers were charged with tax evasion of € 249 million, in 2013 they did not contribute $ 1.3 billion to the declaration. Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana were sentenced to imprisonment for 1 year and 8 months and to a fine of 500 thousand euros. Italian law makes it possible to replace imprisonment for up to 3 years with house arrest. An appeal against the verdict confirmed the original court decision.
  • According to Domenico and Stefano, they would very much like to have a joint biological childto leave him his fashion empire. But Italian laws do not provide for this, and the couple could only care about two Labradors.
  • In 2015, Dolce and Gabbana protested the adoption of children by gay couples. They also opposed surrogacy. Such a move turned against them many public people who announced a boycott of this Fashion House. The most fierce opponent of their ideas was Elton John.
  • In the press there is a different spelling of the company name and line, but this is not confusion. The brand "Dolce & Gabbana" is written without a space, and the name of the company "Dolce & Gabbana" is written with a space.
  • About the famous fashion designers in the series “Sex and the City”, the directors shot an entire episode.
  • Once Madonna ordered Dolce & Gabbana to design and sew 1,500 costumes for her new tour. They were so happy that they set to work without even discussing the price. After 2 months, the stage costumes were ready. Designers on this occasion said that they do not think about money, because they have already earned more than they can spend.

  • Despite the fact that the Dolce & Gabbana collection has a lot of underwear, lace stockings, satin corsets, they never showed naked women. Like all gays, they consider the female body to be extremely beautiful, attractive, like to beat lines and silhouettes, but against its accessibility.
  • In 2007, the UK Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) committee found the Fashion House advertising campaign extremely fierce because of the availability of edged weapons. In Spain that same year, the Ministry of Labor and Social Security outlawed the Dolce & Gabbana ad campaign as infringing on women's rights.
  • In 2012, the security service of the Dolce & Gabbana store in Hong Kong (Hong Kong) did not allow photographing the windows of the boutique. Then more than a thousand people took to the streets in protest, and 13 thousand Facebook visitors announced a boycott of the company on the Internet. After some time, the Milan office apologized to the public, having exhausted the conflict.
  • Brand Dolce & Gabbana is the most fake in the world!

Watch the video: Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana talk about Martini Gold (October 2024).

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