
Sicilian ceramics that will warm your home

If you have already visited Sicily, you have seen that houses in the cities are decorated with bright patterns made of ceramic tiles. If you were visiting Sicilians, then you definitely noticed dishes of different sizes and dishes with bright yellow-blue-green ornaments.

Marco Ossino /

The culture of creating this beauty from clay is more than 4 thousand years old.

Throughout history, with every wave of emigration, new people have brought techniques for processing and decorating household utensils to Sicily. Foreign masters shared secrets, so today in what we know under the sign of Sicilian ceramics lies a cultural layer: from the Greek to the Muslim conquests of the island.

Marco Ossino /

Plates, jugs, tiles of bright colors are bought by tourists and locals alike. Such works of art cost from 20 to 100 euros. They adorn the facades of houses, apartments, city streets. Each such detail brings heat and brightness to the atmosphere of the room.

Marco Ossino /

Therefore, traveling around Sicily, you can collect not only a collection of recipes of local cuisine, but also make fresh notes in the home interior of your own home.

easy camera /

And most importantly, all products are made with hands and with soul.

Marco Ossino / Marco Ossino / Marco Ossino / Marco Ossino / Marco Ossino / Marco Ossino /

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Share photos of Sicilian ceramics, send addresses of interesting craft shops and tips for those who are just planning a trip to Sicily.

Watch the video: FARMHOUSE SAN GIOVANNELLO - Sicily (May 2024).

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